Wednesday 16 December 2015

Flying Ninja Star Maze

maze of ninja star
Awesome Maze art of a ninja star flying past you (the better ninja) Maze Solution

Maze enthusiasts often discover that their hobby has many real-life applications -- more than being a simple, relaxing activity that you can do over your morning cup of coffee. When you work on a maze you enhance your analytical skills. That way, as you approach your real money online casino gambling pursuits you'll be better prepared to realize top results. In addition to the convoluted paths of a maze, you might also want to take some time to study caricatures in which the exaggerated characteristics and intricate lines produce results that helps you to build your ability to look at images carefully and make decisions that can bring you a high degree of satisfaction.

Wednesday 7 October 2015

Soccer Football Maze

Maze of a Soccer Ball AKA Football - Created by Yanito Freminoshi | No Rights Reserved | Solved HERE

Thursday 27 August 2015

Thursday 23 July 2015

Lucky Mazes Book Cover Sample 1

book cover for Lucky Mazes
Lucky Maze book cover by Yanito Freminoshi | MAZE'S SOLUTION

Solving a maze has become one of the very latest crazes online. Popular Maze artists such as Yanito Freminoshi have been instrumental in encouraging the popularity of the maze by offering free mazes that can be printed with no rights reserved. Solving a maze is great any time f the night or day and is said to be particularly useful for helping you focus. Try solving a maze before engaging in particularly anxiety inducing activities such as playing online slots.

Thursday 25 June 2015